My New Year's Resolutions

1- My first resolution is to go far whit my friends in football ambit. Now we play whit big teams and we are in the 3rd position. My resolution is to arrive a 1st position but thit is really difficult. To achieve that goal we will fight, work and play as if we were living at this.

2- My second resolution is to love and care very much my nephews because they are all my life. Without them I am nobody. I will go to show them, day by day, everything that I love them. His laugh, his bad moments, his looking, his kisses, and lot of more. I will do more kisses, more plays with them and I will say more "I LOVE YOU"

3- My third resolution is to fine a work this summer because my family need more money in the hause. I need to work for give food and hot water to my nephews. For that I wil go to a lots of places and I will try to be more responsible and more adult.

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